Why should you face your fears? Because, we don’t want to live with regrets ya’ll! Which, is why we should want to face our fears head on even if we have to do it scared.
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I had the amazing opportunity to be a member of a book launch team, which gave me access to Ruth Soukup’s new book “Do it Scared” a little early and wow is it a good read. Here is a sneak peak if you need a few chapters to convince you to buy. If you decide to purchase early with me, click here to get your book bonuses!

Do you think you know about yourself and your fears? Well, I’m hear to tell you that what she has to tell you can be extremely eye opening. In her book she talks about the fear archetypes. And, I found out I’m a rule-follower. I didn’t really think I was, but after getting into it more, oh my gosh I am.
Now I am learning what to do about it, so it will stop holding me back.
Fear Archetypes
So, what fear archetype is holding you back? Find out by taking the Fear Archetype Assessment. But how do I know if fear is holding me back?
From Ruth Soukup at doitscared.com:
What if I make a mistake? (Unfortunately, this is my major downfall and what has kept me from trying many things.)
What if people don’t approve?
What if I have to break the rules? (I’m not going to lie I really hate to get into trouble.)
What if I need to depend on others?
What if I don’t have what it takes? (Maybe I’m not good enough. I don’t know about you, but in my youth this is the one that always held me back.)
What if I have to take responsibility? (For instance, I will help but I don’t want to be in charge.)
What if something goes horribly wrong?
You’re not alone. It takes courage to step off the sidelines of your own life. Courage is not fearlessness; courage is taking action in the face of fear. And that’s exactly what you’re here to do: Take action.
Ruth Soukup @ DoItScared.com
Courage seems to pop up a lot in my day to day life. I think we have talked about it a lot here on Cowboy Specialist. In fact, the fear of saddling back up after an accident seems to be a big fear challenge for a lot of adults and kids alike.

Or maybe the fear is that you won’t be good enough to go to that competition or people might not think you ride good enough at that other trail ride. In any event, it is time to take action…start by reading Do It Scared. It is a game changer.
Don’t forget the fear assessment too!
How has Ruth’s book Do It Scared changed my life?
For years my husband and I have talked about writing and publishing children’s books. But we never had done it. We talked about it like it was a dream, not something we could actually accomplish. Then we went to a blogging conference, where we received the first few chapters of Ruth’s book as a freebie. (I also won a Do It Scared T-shirt and Mug ;)) This concept inspired us and we bit the bullet and signed up for a self publishing school and started writing our book as soon as we got home.
We had been talking about writing children’s books for the past thirteen years. Yikes! So, we did it scared.
We now have a real book “The Adventures of Cowboy Cinch and Wrangler Rein: Wrangler Rein Rides Again”. And, you guess it, its about courage and facing your fears, just in a kids picture book. (We are still working on our launch date.) But, If you would like to join our book launch team, we would love to have you!
So, what are you going to do? Or, how are you going to conquer your goals?
Start by buying Do It Scared! Seriously, you won’t regret it. Oh, you can buy our book too lol 😉 We will keep you posted on our launch date.
Live without regrets ya’ll,
Always, Bridget – the cowboy wife