Ryan Liggett from Cowboy Specialist teaches a quick way to fix gaulding on the trail if you’re in a pinch. Have you ever been out on the trail and noticed your horse was gaulded? Here is a quick fix you can do immediately.

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After you notice a gaulded spot, do these steps…
First, remove your breast collar and then the tugs from the breast collar.
Next, hang the tug off your back D and run through the end of your girth. Finish by buckling your tug.

What you have done is changed the rigging position and moved the girth away from the gaulded area.
Then, you will go to the other side and complete the same steps to that side of the saddle.
This quick tip will get the girth off the gaulded spot and get you back to the barn or house so that you can properly address the issue.
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Thanks and see you next time!
Always, Bridget – the cowboy wife
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