Can oil change the life of my horse? Or at least help it?
Let me start out by saying that essential oils have changed my life, and the lives of my cowboys! And, now they have changed the life of our horses!

Citronella Essential Oil
The horse flies have really been awful this year. In fact our poor stud horse has been eaten alive this season. Aside from that though, our kids hate dealing with the nats, flies and horse flies, too. It actually makes them second guess riding. Which really bothers me, so I got an idea.
I bought some citronella essential oil and the next time we went riding I got it out. I placed a drop on each of my kids shoulder’s (I put it on their shirt, because you should not directly put the oil on the skin without a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil), and under the brim of their hats.
We went to gather cows (September) and not one nat or bug got around them. Even better, I heard not a single complaint about the bugs bothering them!
In addition, I sprinkled a few drops on the horses manes. The pesky flies stayed far away. I counted this as a win, which gave me the idea to make a spray.
Natural Insect Repellent or Fly Spray
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What you need:
I use about 10 drops for a small spray bottle. Then just spray your horses away with your new citronella fly spray! It has worked for us, hope it works for you too.
In case you are wondering, you can get essential oils from a lot of places. I have added some links to help you look at some, however the oils that I use the most come from…
Young Living Essential Oils
In addition, here is how we used essential oils to heal our horse Sidewinder. She had a nasty injury and nothing else was working. Hope it can help you too.
Always, Bridget – the cowboy wife
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