I’ve been asked several times, so how did you get started blogging Bridget? So, I decided it was probably time to tell my story! Here goes…
The Random Email
Feeling completing out of control in my home world, toys everywhere, clothes on the floor and the kitchen a wreck…lets not even talk about the laundry room, I ran across a 31 days to a clutter free home email challenge from the Living Well Spending Less blog! So, of course I signed up!
I tried to complete the challenge 4 different times I might add, but I never made it past day 17. I gave it an admirable go though. Nonetheless, it put me on Ruth Soukup’s mailing list. And the first year I got the email about “have you ever thought about blogging” I thought I don’t even know what that is lol. But, it made me listen.
Over the next year I heard the word blog and blogging and in my business world it seemed to pop up as the “in thing” to do to build your online presence/business. Heck, even my mom knew it was where you needed to be. You need to be somewhere in the blog world.

The Back Story
To catch you up, we had tried 3 different times to build a online retail site online in our niche, the western industry. We had multiple trials and tribulations lol. I hadn’t given up yet though. This is something that I really wanted to make work, I could feel that this was somewhere we needed to be to keep our business thriving. If you would like to read the whole story you can check it out HERE!
The Tipping Point
So, the next year when the email came around that the doors were open I labored over the sales page. I read it over and over again! I went back and looked through the emails and watched the success stories. Finally, I pulled the trigger, because my mom always told me that “no one can ever take your education from you” and EBA was just more education.
March of 2017 I started my EBA blogging course journey. It is the day my life changed forever. I think it took me a little longer than most, because I didn’t finish the course until the summer of 2018. It took me a year and a half. Nonetheless, in January of 2018 we were ready to relaunch the retail side of Cowboy Specialist…C&L Saddles and Tack.
I made some mistakes along the way. Launched my first product and it was a dramatic fail, but no harm done…because failing is really only learning. Since starting EBA though we have launched two sites, and in the first nine months watched the traffic and sales double and triple month over month.
Finding Your Voice
One of the biggest things I struggled with was finding my own voice. When I first started I thought I was writing a horse blog, but as it evolved I realized I was writing a western lifestyle blog! EBA helped me figure these kinds of things out!
(If you are really interest in blogging I highly recommend Elite Blog Academy! It is well worth the money, however it only opens up once a year. For sure I would recommend getting on their waiting list to ensure the opportunity to join!)
Moral of the Story
So, it was a dream to have a viable online business that drove me to check out what this blogging thing was all about and me searching for a way to organize my house that lead me down the path that brought me here.

I believe God put me exactly where he needed me to be, to send down the right path.
I truly love this thing called blogging and I even love it when my mom and sister-in-law call to tell me I have mis-spelled something! It keeps me grounded 😉
I hope that I am able to use this opportunity to help others! I hope you enjoyed my blogging story! If you have a blogging story I would love to hear it too!
Always, Bridget – the cowboy wife
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