Go Big or Go Home!
When Ryan does something new, he can’t just try it out or sample it. No, he always goes in deep or big, however you want to look at it. Sometimes I feel like this is a curse, but sometimes it can enrich your life.
A couple years ago, we planted a zillion fruit trees, or at least it felt like it. Then the next year, we ordered so many plants online that we couldn’t get them all planted in the ground. Two years ago we bought dozens of guineas. They were everywhere and I actually enjoyed this, because they ate all the ticks in our yard.

This year we raised around 100 chickens in our basement. Yes I said basement. Consequently, when you have chickens, sooner or later the eggs come. We are over runneth with eggs, which can be great and helpful in many ways.
Our boys started their own egg business. You can check it out online at www.liggettboyeggs.weebly.com.
Take A Leap of Faith
My point is that it is great to try new things and have grand new adventures. It is wonderful to expose your children to old and new and natural things. So take a leap of faith and try something new or different…you never know what might happen (you just might want to consider the repercussions of how big you choose to go).
I think our next project is going to be a mulch garden…I will have to let you know how it goes.
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Right now we think we are going to have mulch delivered, but we will see.
Enrich Your Life
So to summarize, how do you enrich your life? Well, you get out there and have a new adventure, whether it’s raising baby birds, going mushroom hunting or building a rock fireplace in your backyard. These are all adventures and they bring fulfillment to your life!
My challenge for you my friends is try something new and let us know how it goes. We would love to hear from you all. Leave us a comment…
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We are also offering a new product to help make your life with your horse more fun. Click here to check out the Buckaroo Gift Box!
Looking for more inspiration? Look here…
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