John Wayne once said “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.”
Success is not always measured in dollars and wins, sometimes the trill of the ride is success enough.
My point is you won’t know if you can succeed if you don’t ever try.

For example, A dear friend was telling me how she was going to a big roping to rope with friends. She had been planning this event for weeks. Hence, she was really excited about it and looking forward to it.
Then a couple days before the roping, I asked her if she was still going to go rope and she said “No, I’m just not ready.” I asked her why and she told me she just hadn’t practiced enough.
They were just excuses, and I felt she was trying to be evasive. Therefore, I said if it is the money I would be happy to sponsor her. “No” she said “I just don’t feel ready.”
The whole time I thought you are never going to get ready if you don’t ever try. Most of all, the only way to get seasoned is to experience something, whether you are in the arena or on the trail. You have to work through something uncomfortable.
The hardest part for me was that she didn’t have the faith in her ability that I did. She didn’t ride, so she is still one step away from living her dream, again. She shouldn’t need to win to feel successful.
I see this a lot with customers in my shop. They always have a reason that today is not the day and tomorrow never comes. So, I say seize the day and stop looking for tomorrow. You never will know what you can accomplish until you try.
If you need some more inspiration check out our One big easy way to overcome your fear of horse back riding post, it just might get you through!

Live with courage friends – Ryan
And if you need a daily reminder or helpful encouragement, you might want to check out Say I Won’t Clothing Brand! We added some links for you!
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Face Your Fears and Do It Scared!
Can you teach your horse to ride with hay string and bubble gum?
Just Believe, do you need a little inspiration?
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