Do you want to make money online? Have you been blogging for a while? Or maybe you have just been thinking about what this blogging thing is all about. Maybe you are looking for a sideline or a retirement plan. Well, that is what I did. I said it was my three year plan, this thing called blogging.
Forty dollars may not sound like much to you if you have been blogging awhile, but if you are like me when I first stared forty was a lot compared to the $1.44 you might make the first time you have a sale. Everyone has to start somewhere to make money online and Forty Bucks was where I got my start.

Start Blogging
First, I followed my gut and started a 12 week crash course on how to build your blog! It is called Elite Blog Academy. And if you are truly interested in starting a blog the right way, you should start here. Unfortunately, Elite Blog Academy only opens its doors to knew students once or twice a year, so get on the waiting listnow! Its not going to hurt to get on the waiting list, one way or another.
In any event, my mom always told me that no one can take your education away from you, so I enrolled in the course. It built me an amazing foundation. But Bridget, how did you start making money?
How I made my first forty
Affiliate marketing is how I made my first few bucks online. Now I chose not to have ads and that is a whole other story, so my first few dollars made online came from the affiliate company’s of Amazon and Shareasale.
In fact, the post that has made me the most money prior to direct sales, is my Five books every little cowpoke needs. It is a post about my favorite books for children in my niche. After I wrote the post, I went and grabbed Amazon Affiliate links for them and viola, my first sales online!
In addition, our online store has its own affiliate program if you are interested in marketing footwear, boots, jewelry or western goods.

How to get started Affiliate Marketing
If you want to get started affiliate marketing, you need to apply to be an affiliate of places you love. If you get turned down, don’t give up. Write more content, broaden your reach and apply again and again until you get in. You will eventually get in.
Then, write honest sincere posts about the products you love and share them! The revenue will eventually come in, and best of all, once it is out there it is there forever.
If you are interested, you can check out our Affiliate program here, it might just work for you.
Happy Marketing Ya’ll and Good Luck!
Always, Bridget – the cowboy wife
PS If you would like to join my blogging newsletter, it comes out maybe once a month, join here.
PPS If you are at all interested in blogging get on the waiting list for Elite Blog Academy, you won’t regret it!
PPPS Do you want to get your kids into business now? Check out our ideas here!