Fresh and New
It is that time of year again, during the spring and summer, when we like to take time to spiffy up the barn or arena, beautify our homes and refresh our businesses. It is the time of year that we like things to be fresh and new.

Now that it is starting to get warm outside, trail riders and floaters are starting to flood the town. Every year at this time we like to refresh and renew our minds as we prepare for the new season.
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This year, we realized we have neglected our iconic boot that sits by the Lucky 6. We found it a couple of years ago sitting up on a hill by the side of the road. We just had to pull in and ask the owner how much he wanted for it. The rest is history and now it was time to restore it! Or make it new again. Here is (what we did) how to restore a giant boot! 😉

Here is how Lucky 6 Outfitters restored “the boot”:
- Post of Facebook: First, we got our customers opinions on how to repaint the boot.
- Next, we removed all the old reflectors, because the plan is to wrap the new improved boot in solar lights.

- Then, we gave the boot a good scrubbin’ to get rid of all the muck…we had a little help with this.

- Paint: We went to the local lumber yard to get paint and brushes. Now this was the hard part. We wanted it to be bright and catchy with a western vibe. Our idea for colors, originally came from a stock AB boot (Gotta love those AB’s). After several hours of intense comparison and deliberation we decided on Apple Butter, Carotene & Aqua Regin. You will have to let us know how we did.

- Now the Painting….

- The Final Result…

The Results
Hopefully, our refurb of the boot will recapture the interest of our long time customers and maybe snag some interest of some new ones. Â Maybe it can even be a selfie photo prop. Â In any event, we have new and exciting products inside ready for an exciting year, so we wanted the outside to be new and exciting too! Â Hope you enjoyed our restoration process. Â Maybe we inspired you to do some refurbishing of your own.
If you want to keep reading check out Time to make the old new again…part 2!
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Happy Riding and Western Living Ya’ll